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Англо-русский юридический словарь - unity


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Перевод с английского языка unity на русский


1) единение; единство

2) совместный интерес; совместный правовой титул; совместное владение

unity of applicationunity of interestunity of inventionunity of possessionunity of title

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  единица ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  noun  1) единство; unity of purpose - единство цели; the dramatic unities, the unities of time, place and action - единство времени, места и действия (в классической драме)  2) единство, сплоченность, единение; indestructible unity of the working people - нерушимое единство рабочего класса  3) согласие, дружба; to live in unity - жить в согласии, дружбе  4) leg. совместное владение  5) math. единица ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. единство the dramatic unities —- театр. единство времени, места и действия the picture lacks unity —- картине недостает единства unity of command —- воен. единоначалие 2. сплоченность, единение national unity —- национальное единство unity of will —- юр. единство воль (при заключении договора) 3. согласие, дружба to live in unity —- жить в согласии at unity with —- в согласии с 4. юр. совместное владение (имуществом) unity of joint property —- неделимость общей собственности 5. мат. единица the probability is unity —- вероятность равна единице ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  единство – lack of unity of invention – unity of invention – unity of possession – unity of title UNITY сущ. единство, сплоченность, единение - Council of Economic Arab Unity - consolidate the unity - strengthen the unity - the unity of the international monetary system - undermine the unity Syn: cohesion, closeness ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) единение 2) единица 3) единство differential partition of unity — дифференциальное разбиение единицы primitive root of unity — первообразный корень из единицы ring with unity — кольцо с единицей Sylvester's law of unity — теорема сильвестра о нуль-многообразиях - complex unity - component of unity - constituent of unity - divisor of unity - normalized to unity - partition of unity - reduction to unity - root of unity - set to unity - two-sided unity - unity matrix - unity partition ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  единица ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. (pl. -ies) 1 oneness; being one, single, or individual; being formed of parts that constitute a whole; due interconnection and coherence of parts (disturbs the unity of the idea; the pictures lack unity; national unity). 2 harmony or concord between persons etc. (lived together in unity). 3 a thing forming a complex whole (a person regarded as a unity). 4 Math. the number 'one', the factor that leaves unchanged the quantity on which it operates. 5 Theatr. each of the three dramatic principles requiring limitation of the supposed time of a drama to that occupied in acting it or to a single day (unity of time), use of one scene throughout (unity of place), and concentration on the development of a single plot (unity of action). Etymology: ME f. OF unit{eacute} f. L unitas -tatis f. unus one ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  (plural -ties)  Etymology: Middle English unite, from Anglo-French unite, from Latin unitat-, unitas, from unus one — more at one  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the quality or state of not being multiple ; oneness  b.  (1) a definite amount taken as one or for which 1 is made to stand in calculation in a table of natural sines the radius of the circle is regarded as ~  (2) identity element  2.  a. a condition of harmony ; accord  b. continuity without deviation or change (as in purpose or action)  3.  a. the quality or state of being made one ; unification  b. a combination or ordering of parts in a literary or artistic production that constitutes a whole or promotes an undivided total effect; also the resulting singleness of effect or symmetry and consistency of style and character  4. a totality of related parts ; an entity that is a complex or systematic whole  5. any of three principles of dramatic structure derived by French classicists from Aristotle's Poetics and requiring a play to have a single action represented as occurring in one place and within one day  6. capitalized a 20th century American religious movement that emphasizes spiritual sources of health and prosperity ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Unity is the state of different areas or groups being joined together to form a single country or organization. Senior politicians met today to discuss the future of European economic unity. ...German unity. = union N-UNCOUNT: oft adj N 2. When there is unity, people are in agreement and act together for a particular purpose. ...a renewed unity of purpose... Speakers at the rally mouthed sentiments of unity... The choice was meant to create an impression of party unity. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a situation in which a group of people or countries work together for a particular purpose  (European unity) 2 the quality of being complete  (The design has a pleasing unity and appearance.) 3 technical the number 1 ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  UN abbr. United Nations In The Youth non-prof. org. abbr. United National Indian Tribal Youth non-prof. org. abbr. United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc. ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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